
dinsdag, februari 14, 2006

Watch me do the "Opa dance" in the car :). Any time I hear music, I like to dance :) Posted by Picasa

Hey Mom, come and join me. I take you out shopping, ok? Posted by Picasa

Hey, go away with that camera. Let me do my business!! Posted by Picasa

Now no more baby food or puree! I eat like Mom and Dad, big pieces of brocolli and rice. Posted by Picasa

Nice trouser, huh? Posted by Picasa

I learn so much here. I can show you my dirty hands if you ask me ;) Posted by Picasa

Look at my new muts. I got it from Opa and Oma. Now everybody know my name ;) Posted by Picasa


Since I turned 1 year old, I start to walk more and more. I like it more than crawling now :) Posted by Picasa

Time for Opa to go to work. I will take you there Opa. No Problem !! Posted by Picasa

Hey, this is much better! Posted by Picasa

I don't like it. Lets run back to the beach!!! Posted by Picasa

After I woke up, Daddy was taking me into the ocean. Neee, ik wil niet !!!! Posted by Picasa

The beach of Miami

Here we are at the beach of Miami. Daddy likes it, but look at me ... sleeping :( Posted by Picasa

Hey, Australian bread is nice! I like it, I like it :) Posted by Picasa

After all the action, we all went out for dinner in an Australian restaurant. Posted by Picasa

Hey, look what I got for my birthday! A new car!

Uncle Nou, you wanna race me?? Posted by Picasa

Lets take 1 more picture with Opa and Oma, and then ...., CAKE!!!

Yummy! Posted by Picasa

2nd Time for my first birthday

Hihi, look at me. my second birthday party. Again cake. This looks so nice :). Posted by Picasa

Ofcourse I need to inspect the car of uncle Nou. Wow uncle Nou, this car looks good. Lets take it for a spin! Posted by Picasa

Ahhhh. After a long journey, we finally arrived at Opa and Oma. Wow, there house is so nice. Look at the palmtrees! Posted by Picasa

When we finally boarded, I was so tired that I fell asleep before we even took off :) Posted by Picasa

You see our airplane on the right. Looks big huh? Posted by Picasa

Florida, here we come

Right after celebrating my first birthday, it was time to go to Opa and Oma in Florida. Here we are waiting for boarding in Amsterdam. Posted by Picasa

BTW, did you see how nice the house was decorated? Posted by Picasa

Wow, after unwrapping all those gifts I am soooo hungry. Let's join Opa for some birthday cake. Yummy :) Posted by Picasa