
vrijdag, juni 09, 2006

This is my new room. Mom and Dad choose a very nice sticker for me.

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But with Dad, I can enjoy the speed :)))

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It is so nice to play with Mom too.

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Papa je bent te zwaar :)) Posted by Picasa

Casper is nr. 1

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I need to stop eating, otherwise it will look like my Mom's belly now :)) Posted by Picasa big belly :))

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Look at Mom, I am realy curious to see
my little brother ( of sister ) on 3 Sep 2006. Posted by Picasa

This is for my Mom.

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What a fun Papa he

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I love playing with Dad. There is so much fun with Dad. Posted by Picasa

Very nice weather, we are at Opa's garden. Posted by Picasa

This is a tree

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Opa has a very nice tree, but its flower doesn't stay long. Posted by Picasa

But at the same, I got gift ( also a bike ) from Opa Dominicus.
Then Papa gave back the other bike as this is better for me.
With this bike, Mom can take me shopping. Posted by Picasa

I also have gift from Dad. Nice bike. Posted by Picasa

Mother day 14.05.06

On behalf of me, Dad bought gift for Mom as today is mother day. Posted by Picasa